Senin, 05 September 2016


soooo right now,i will tell you about what happens in 3 week studying in 3 SHS. Monday till friday we always busy of study study and study. So we have to refresh our mind and our we have to make some activities that can make our spirit return again. So on Saturday 3 week ago, we had some activities for refresh our mind,we called it world tournament and techno fest or we can short it with WTF. So this is festival like a sport festival with education and compition with another class. Not with same grade but with other grade whices with 11 grades. So we gathered at lapangan bali at 06.30 am and we had some intructions and greetings from teacher and also osis's vice. After intructions we make 2 line for grade 10 and 11. Each group have they intructor for leads the way. i'll tell you about the rules, we must collect the puzzle, we can get the puzzle if we win some challanges from some post. We have 9 planet so we must go to all of the planet to collect the puzzle and win the game. As you know all of the planets have their different places and area. So we must walking from planet to planet for get the rewards. I remember the first planet that we going through, in first planet we've been challanged for ate samyang. I was interested but because im not in the mood for eating so i gave it to my friends and the results is yeah because im not in the table so my class was lose heu. the second planet we came through is in the inside 3 enviroments. The challanges is easy and funny just playing game Taken.who wins get the rewards. In this challanges we need 3 person to complete the mission. My friend Idon lose, fathur too but i the only person who can make my class win but still lose. Thats the  beginning, next planets i think i get bored because i just watched and watched, why not be the person who always active to complete the challange? because im just too lazy and i always not in the mood for do anything because saturday is my favorite day for turn on my energy saving mode. But in that saturday my class have makrab's. So in the middle of the festival i've made a permission for decorate the villa. So in 02.00 Pm i went to home and then i was prepared for makrab. Then i went to dago giri's by bike and enjoy the makrab's untill 10 pm. That's all i can tell, Thank youuuuu

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